
Judy DeVeaux now coordinates our church cleaning efforts. Due to lack of sign-ups, Judy has "volunteered" many of us so that we now have people scheduled for all weeks. Please check for when you are signed up. The cleaning calendar is shown on the left of this page and the list is posted in the foyer. Please make every effort to clean on your assigned day. Contact Judy with any questions, to sign up for a particular day or if you need to get into the church on your assigned day. If you don't know how to reach Judy email our website administrator and your message will be forwarded to Judy.

    Cleaning consists of:
  • Vacuuming the sanctuary, library and classrooms.
  • Cleaning the kitchen counters.
  • Resupplying the kitchen with paper towels and coffee supplies as needed.
  • Cleaning the bathroom counters and toilets.
  • Resupplying the bathrooms with paper towels, toilet paper and facial tissues as needed.
  • Sweeping and mopping the kitchen, foyer, hall and bathrooms.
  • Emptying the trash, putting in new bags and taking the trash to the bin.
    Supplies are kept in these places:
  • Mop, broom trash bags and other cleaning supplies are in the janitor closet in the hallway, right side, just before the library.
  • Kithen supplies are kept in the main bathroom closet, the kitchen cabinet to the left of the sink, and the cabinet below the coffee tray.
  • Bathroom supplies are kept in the main bathroom closet.
  • We now have a working vacuum. It is in the janitor closet in the hallway.